Wednesday 30th October 2019

Diversity and Inclusion - How Is Recruitment Helping Drive The Change?

There is a huge effort currently to implement strategies and adopt behaviours which address the many complex issues surrounding diversity & inclusion across the housing sector.

There is a huge effort currently to implement strategies and adopt behaviours which address the many complex issues surrounding diversity & inclusion across the housing sector. Be it gender, ethnicity, disability, age, race, religion, or any number of other diversities, there is a very common thread that runs throughout the tapestry: We must nurture a sense of ‘belonging’ for all.

Space To Belong

Belonging is about truly knowing that every individual is in their job and industry because of what they uniquely bring to the table, and to be completely accepted for who they are, without fear or judgement. Couple this with an attitude towards a values-driven profession, and it becomes clear that we must each play our part, whatever section of the industry, to ensure we are doing things right in our area of expertise to nurture and help maintain this diverse and inclusive environment.

A Holistic Approach

At Greenacre we believe it is our duty to act responsibly and diligently when it comes to feeding the right professionals into the housing sector, whilst demonstrating the language we use, (ie conscious and unconscious bias), the advice we give and the processes we follow, exclude no one on the basis of their diversity, and creates opportunity for creativity, individuality, autonomy and ambition whilst supporting those individuals who may traditionally not have felt included in certain areas of the professional arena.

To play our part, Greenacre takes a multilateral approach, by:

  • Speaking to different segments of the industry, researching, publishing and joining discussions on the issues surrounding diversity and the challenges organisations currently face.
  • Actively supporting diversity groups such as WISH – we currently have board members in two regional groups and regularly assist in setting up and sponsoring events.
  • Taking part in panel discussions and policy talks on diversity & Inclusion across the country

Being avid promoters of the agile workforce – all our staff have now transitioned to various capacity to flexible working, which creates opportunity and career advancement to those who may previously have been excluded from doing so.

  • Advising organisations on how to ensure their recruitment processes are fit for purpose and actively nurturing an environment and language of diversity and inclusivity, whilst allowing the very best talent to filter through to the top based on merit, individual talent and achievement.

At the end of the day its about all of us working together to drive the change. If we get the language right and create the environment for individuals to have a sense of belonging, the best talent will find your organisation without you even having to search!

Greenacre are leading recruitment experts in the UK housing sector. Please feel to get in touch, visit our website or follow on social media. You can find our series on Diversity and Inclusion, as well as other Industry-relevant housing topics on our insights page.
01462 429750

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