Tuesday 7th February 2023

Into the Unknown

Read Roxanne Boothe, Board Member, WISH Midlands, explain why 2023 is a 'Year of Yes!'

Into the Unknown

Roxanne Boothe, Board Member, WISH Midlands



‘’If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine; it is lethal’’

- Paul Cohelo-


As I closed the final chapter of the book; ‘Year of Yes’, by Shonda Rimes, I felt a sense of urgency to start making steps towards living a life led by faith and not fear.

I can recall numerous times throughout my formative and adult years where I have turned down offers or missed out on opportunities due to lack of confidence and fear of the unknown.

Truth is, the familiarity of routine is what made me feel safe.

I'm sure many of you reading this can relate. However, as the opening quote of this blog states; routine can be ‘lethal’.

As a busy mother of three children, I know all too well how easy it can be to fall into the lull of the daily work/school routine;

  • Wake up,
  • Eat brekkie,
  • Ushering the kids out the door for school,
  • The dreaded hour-long commute to work; etc...
  • Rinse and Repeat.


In the past, my attempts to shift from the mundane to the more uplifting proved futile; my various spells of maternity leave slowly etched away at my confidence and self-esteem. This led to me saying ‘no’ to promotional opportunities, ‘no’ to coming out of my comfort zone and, inadvertedly, ‘no’ to myself. Apparently I'm not alone in this, as 4 in 10 women reportedly lose confidence, both socially and professionally, when returning to work; following maternity leave.

So, last year, in my quest to start my own ' Year of Yes’; I pledged to put one foot in front of the other and embarked on an adventure; a solo trip to The Gambia.

“You’re seriously going…alone?!’’ friends and family gasped, whilst clutching their pearls.  I must admit; the sense of anxiety creeped back in the more others spouted their opinions. However, throughout, I heard Shonda Rimes words echoing in my mind ‘’...be a doer not a dreamer’.

So, I felt the fear and did it anyway.

I had a brilliant time immersing myself in the beautiful culture and met some amazing new friends along the way. I made it back in one piece; much to the surprise (and relief!) of my loved ones.

I have found that once you step out of your comfort zone, it becomes very addictive


So, Here’s to saying:

Yes! to new opportunities

Yes! To a life without limitations

Yes! To ourselves and, very importantly,

Yes! To that extra slice of cake (had to put that in there?)


As we have now entered into a new year; it seems aptly fitting to leave you with this poignant question;


Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild precious life?’’- Mary Oliver

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