Tuesday 7th February 2023

What have we learnt for 2022 and what can we expect from 2023?

What better time than the start of a New Year to reflect and predict, hear what our friends at Construo, the construction platform and online collaborative forum, believe were the hot topics for 2022 and what they think will be the key trends for 2023…

What have we learnt for 2022 and what can we expect from 2023?

There’s no doubt that the year 2022 was an interesting one. We witnessed the rise and fall of trends in the construction industry and a few clear winners. Sharing some of our learnings with you the reader is one of the best parts of Construo. Having the unique position of being a "construction-only" platform has given us in-depth insight into the year and the industry. 


An overview of industry trends

Among the hottest topics in 2022 was artificial intelligence (AI), with several innovations revolutionising a variety of areas. It is no secret that artificial intelligence is becoming more powerful with each passing year, from robotics to photo editing. It has the potential to fundamentally change the way the industry operates in a few ways. 

A topic that kept resurfacing, again and again, was modular building, a methodology that is transforming how we do things and has forced us to rethink the way we do them. As a result, time, money, and effort can be saved during the process. With the advancement of technology, we have seen a huge leap forward in this area. 

Finally, we would like to mention the growth in the construction software market this year. Software is taking over the world in a big way! An example of this would be software-managed waste removal, or remote site monitoring, which are currently being implemented in ways that weren't possible before. 


Predictions for the future 

This upcoming year will certainly be one that will be filled with change and innovation as we shake off the long-lasting effects of Covid19. Certainly, it will be interesting to watch how the industry approaches the new technology and how it adopts it. 

There will be a greater focus on electric power in the future as we try to be more environmentally conscious. This means electric machines and vehicles, alongside the implementation of more charging points to allow them to be charged at convenience. Across the country, it is likely that you will see an even larger adoption of solar and wind farms 

There is no doubt that none of us are done with AI quite yet, and I am quite excited to see how it develops in the years ahead. The fact that further developments and implementations have been made, I think that this will spread to other sectors of the industry, possibly resulting in job losses if the developments take a darker turn. 

Last but not least, I believe that we will see more attention being paid to CPD and how it is delivered. This will lead to more effective ways of delivering training, whether it is done remotely or in a physical setting. Assuring that a higher standard of training is available to all in the industry as well as improving and raising industry standards. 

To join the free, collaborative and insightful construction forum, Construo, visit the website: https://construo.io/ 

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