Monday 5th March 2018

International Women's Day 2018

Statement From Nicola Dibb Executive Director And Founder Of WISH About International Women's Day 2018

Campaigns such as International Women’s Day are hugely important for highlighting gender disparity and the very real struggles that many women face in the workplace,”said Nicola Dibb, executive director and founder of WISH (Women in Social Housing).

“This year’s campaign theme is #PressforProgess and that is exactly what we need to be doing in the housing and construction sectors where women remain hugely underrepresented despite a growing skills shortage.

“Women make up 47% of the UK workforce, yet only 27% of housing associations are led by women and they account for just 11% of construction employees – a figure which drops down to as little as 1% of the manual trades.

“The growing skills shortage, which looks set to be further exacerbated by Brexit, provides a golden opportunity to boost the number of women coming into the sectors.

“But change most come from within and the housing and construction sectors must continue to press for progress, combat inequality and break down the barriers that are holding women back.”

Notes for Editors


WISH is an independent networking organisation for women working in the affordable housing and constructions sector with eight regional groups across. It focuses on encouraging more women to choose housing and construction as a career and supports the progression of women already in the sector, challenging stereotypes and barriers

WISH provides a supportive business network for all women working across every discipline in the affordable housing sector. We want to encourage more young women to join the sector and encourage them in their careers – to be the very best they can and to get to where they want to be

Our Action Plan which underpins our Mission Statement is:

Supporting women through business networking opportunities; challenging stereotypes; being thought leaders; encouraging a new generation; developing skills in the sector; achieving goals by building confidence; inspiring career progression; supporting gender diversity on board; engaging with our male supporters and advocates of WISH

For further information email [email protected]

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